"Three years ago we made our first trip to Cambodia. There was one day of service involved. We worked with two families planting 20 banana, and 20 mango trees and building a 10 row fenced garden bed on each their lands deep into the fields off of the electric grid about 45 minutes from Siem Reap. Each family also got a well. Cambodia has no system of irrigation and only has one growing season. So if you build a well, they can grow year round and it makes all the difference in the world. The next year we went back to the same village and added two days of building to the itinerary. We did the farm work again for two families and then built a home for a very deserving family of 11 people. The following year, last year, the trip really grew in size. The first year we had 16 people. The second year there was 22 and last year there were 65. Last year we built three houses and worked on 4 family plots of land.
About a year and a half ago, with donations from teachers and parents and school ownership, we bought a piece of land to build a community center on. It will have a school, a dentist office and residence for visiting professionals. It will also have an arts studio to teach students how to paint. We did this to support the tour guide Youssa Mout who we met the first year. Youssa was a child soldier in the 1970’s fighting the khmer Rouge and had lost nearly all of his family to the genocide. He used any money he made as a tour guide to help local children through a Cambodian NGO he started called PAPA. Partners Against Poverty Association."
Jag och Axel stannar däremot hemma. Vi väntar nämligen på mormor och morfar som landar imorgon. Det ser vi mycket fram emot. De ska stanna i Kina i nästan 3 veckor, men redan på söndag reser vi alla fyra till Hainan. Hainan är Kinas svar på Hawaii..... ( säger dom, men vet inte om det stämmer).... Ön ligger sydöst om Ha Noi, Vietnam, i sydkinesiska havet.
Avslutar med lite foton från Grade 3's cirkus uppträdande, idag